Monday, November 20, 2006

Learning Log Nov.20 Moduel 1

You survived the first class. Your learning log topic this week:

What did you learn in class today?
Do you have any burning questions?



Brittany said...

I reviewed Bloom's Taxonomy, Marzano's Dimensions of Learning and Costa & Kallick's 16 Habits of Mind. It was interesting to see project and unit examples through the Intel website. There are some interesting examples and I am excited to get started on my own standards-based unit.

Burning Questions... None at the moment, although I am sure they will crop up soon, I am sure.

brenda said...

I learned how to get my address on the toolbar. yeah! I also had a review of Blooms taxonomy and the other theories we will incorporate into our plans.

I learned how to blog. thanks

Q: How will I use this and find the time to impliment it?

Susan Bohle said...

I learned about Marzano's Dimensions of learning and how it incorporates social and emotional factors as well as learning and that each of these dimensions of thinking occupies an equa; place in successful learning. It is not a heierarchy like Bloom's Taxonomy.

Archie said...

At the moment I am overwhelmed...which is the way I always start out in a technology class. I hope that I can find out how to use more technology in my first grade classroom. Discovered that there are a lot of new tools out there that I have no clue about; had trouble getting onto Intel site.

Kristin said...

In today's class, I learned about different models of thinking. According to Bloom, higher order thinking skills include analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Unfortunately, I also learned that higher level thinking doesn't happen in my class as often as I would like. Reflecting on the thinking skills that happen in my class makes me excited and anxious to create a Unit Plan that will include specific higher order thinking. -K

Scott said...

Marzano is coming to our report cards! I really liked the 16 traits that help with higher order thinking. I want to get my students to that point. I'm always feeling a few steps behind my philosophy.

Burning questions:
Who's bringing food next class? I'll bet there will be some turkey.

eden said...

I learned about Marzano's Dimensions of Learning, and revisited learning theories such as Bloom's Taxonomy and the 16 Traits of Intelligence, (Habits of the Mind.) I planted the seeds and foundation for my unit plan, and started thinking about standard based/ cross curricular technology lessons.

Unknown said...

In class today, I learned about Marzano's Dimensions of Learning, which basically says that successful learning is impacted by social and emotional well being, as well as knowledge acquisition.

My burning question will we be incorporating Marzano's Dimensions of Learning into our unit plans, along with Bloom's Taxonomy and Costa and Kallick's 16 Habits of Mind?

shakey k said...

I (our curriculum) do not teach higher order thinking.

Burning Question???
We are required to use "scientifically" based/proven curriculum. Creating our own curriculum seems to be forbidden.
How much freedom do we really have developing our own "units"?

josh said...

Reviewing the different models of thinking was informative; it made me reflect on my own practice. I am excited about developing a project with my teaching partner. Honestly, I have lots of questions but none that are 'burning' me.

sgirard said...

Today we reviewed several different Models of thinking -- including Bloom's, Marzano's and Costa and Kallick
We registered on the Intel site and were able to explore several of the porjects and unit examples.

It will be interesting to see how these units will grow and develop.

toni said...

I learned about the differnce between Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking Skills, Marzano's Dimensions of Learning and Costa and Kallick's 16 Habits of Mind and how Bloom's is hierarchical and Marzano's, Costa and Kallick's incorporate equal elements.

I also brainstormed ideas as to what to do for my unit and how it is to include visual ranking tool, seeing reason tool and showing evidence tool.

izzolo said...

I learned abont the applying Marzano's Dimension thinking skills. of learning and aapplying Bloom's taxonomy of thinking skills